The Future of The Book, collide both El Lissitzky
and David Carson approach to the visual graphic aesthetic, questioning the tension of order when 
totality occurs at the particular movement of constructing the book.

In conclusion, the system respond to Lissitzky form
finding at the particular movement, colliding with Carson tension of interrupted order. The case and
effects in it totality conduct a new dialog in
coherent with the micro interruption that happens
in the system of typesetting. This melodrama between Lissitzky and Carson is exquisite & can only occurs 
in the movement of order and chaos.

The approach explores "chaos" to clarify the tension 
by attempting to organize space base on the construc-
tion & discovery made at the movement. The book orchestrate the typographic system to juxtapose 
with "order" interrupting the coherent space. This
can be distinguish at a more micro level of type-setting. The method of type setting create a
dramatic tension. The tension come from the micro movement the large and small rivers, change of
font size and the form of text box. 

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