Form & Space


In the summer of 2019, I was selected to participate
in the design discovery program at Harvard Graduate school of design. A six-week summer program that
explore an intensive studio work, lectures, workshops, and field trips.
Form & Space explores method of temporalities and
the manifestation of form as permanent in a change
of scale in relationship to space. The study of architectural typologies will be used to uncover
and codify diagrammatic logics and hierarchies, problematized by a desired spatial effect, and
adapted to the conditions of site. 
The Public Library
The Public Library is a space of civic engagement where an exchange of knowledge and culture across the members of the community takes place all-year-round. The building should house a variety of spaces to afford different activities including reading rooms, large auditorium, small gathering space, and cafeteria, as well as provide new architectural form and cultural identity for its urban site. Students are asked to design a spatial hierarchy among the diverse programs within the library and propose a circulation system that could synthesize the distinct programs into a cohesive whole
Scales and Temporalities
the building scale, a ‘permanent’ manifestation of welcoming and community involvement; at the room scale, a space to house evolving and ‘temporary’ interactions. 
The project will begin with precedent project analysis, from various architectural typologies – in the form of an effect or relationship. Sites for the project will
be introduced by the UPD students in a town hall style meeting. Students are asked to consider this project as a proposal for a new civic engagement building type.
Exercise: Program Model / Diagram
This exercise is to help understand the volumetric relationship between different program requirements
and start thinking about the project’s interior organization. Using paper of corresponding size to each program, make iterations of program models that largely fit into your formal envelope and show the diagrammatic relationship between spaces. Along with the physical model, think through diagrammatic sketch of plan and section to clarify the organization.
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